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Marriage Counseling
Marriage Counseling Experts that Can Help Your Marriage...
Break Free from Toxic Communication Patterns.
Gain specific tools that are proven to work in resolving conflicts.
Learn how to communicate effectively with each other.
Build emotional safety with one another.
Grow an emotional connection stronger than you've ever experienced before.
Learn how to make conflict a pathway that increases intimacy vs. destroys it.
How our Marriage Counseling Process Works.
Stage 1: Assessment (Sessions 1-2)
In stage 1 our goal is to understand the patterns of communication that lead to the problems in your marriage.
In this stage we won't' focus solutions to the issues you are fighting over such as (sex, money, parenting, date nights, emotional disconnection, etc).
We will want to understand the patterns of communication around whatever issues are causing problems in your marriage.
To see how and why you both are getting stuck in these negative cycles of communication.
In order to do this effectively we will need to identify these 3 components of your patterns of communication with each partner.
1. Triggers
2. Perceptions of triggers
3. Reactions to triggers.
Without a proper understanding of your patterns we will not be able to create lasting change.
Stage 2: Creating New Patterns (Sessions 3-10)
In stage 2 we start to uncover the underlying emotional root causes of why we react the way we do in patterns.
We help couples learn what to do differently with these underlying emotions that are driving these patterns that typically don't get discussed at home.
So that when couples want to fix whatever issues they are fighting about they can do it from a place that is emotionally calm and they can feel secure in their connection.
Versus when they try to talk about the issues at home, and one spouse is anxious and the other spouse is avoidant in some sort of way.
Stage 3: Solutions to Issues (Sessions 11-12)
Once a couple knows how to connect and comfort each other emotionally. And they feel secure emotionally with each other.
They are able to use tools to help them with whatever issue their marriage is facing with money, parenting, in laws, sex, etc.
They are able to use the tools because they are not in fight or flight mode anymore.
They are in a calm place of secure connection. And will work together to collaborate on how to handle their issues that benefit their relationship the most.
How to get started with Marriage Counseling....
First, sign up for our FREE 1 Hour Marriage Consultation.
In this consultation we will begin the process to start to identify the negative patterns that is causing issues in your relationship.
We will also write up a personalized treatment plan on how we can fix these patterns and problems in your marriage in 12 sessions.
Click the button below to sign up for your free marriage consultation today!
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